Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Various Group Photos

***Is it fate or destiny?***

*Photo from Szeki World

What are the odds? Bosco poses right in front of Tavia and Shirley, my favorite TVB female actresses that I like the most pairing up with him. Tavia and Bosco has wonderful chemistry together as a couple and is currently one of the very popular couples at TVB now. While Shirley have filmed a lot of series with Bosco as a couple or potential couple.

Picture from, Baidu

This is a stage performance for the Sales Presentation, I think from 2005. Bosco looks really handsome playing the bad guy I presume, and Shirley is the heroine in need of rescuing? lol Wonder what the story was about?

Picture from: Apple Daily

I know, I know, people are probably teasing Myolie and Bosco at this function, but heck he's standing right behind Shirley lol

Devil's Disciple function. They're playing some sort of game with eggs. Bosco is standing behind Shirley again, due to having no other spot to stand on? lol

***Not too far, yet not as close***

Picture from: Apple Daily

Don't know what function this is for, but everyone sure look sad, but they're standing near each other.

*Picture found from

*Picture found from close to each other, but Niki (and Ron) are in the way! lol Hope to see Shirley and Bosco pair up in a future anniversary, that would really be awesome.

*Picture found from

Shirley's walking towards Bosco! Haha, most likely not, but it's another pic of them that I found.

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