Sunday, October 5, 2008

41st TVB Lighting Ceremony

*above picture cut from TVB Weekly, pg 32, from

After a few months of deprived Bosco & Shirley news and pictures, a pic of them is seen in the 41st TVB Lighting Ceremony Group Picture. Shirley stands behind Bosco & Ron with a new haircut!! Reminds of Au Revoir Shanghai much? lol

Well actually, both Shirley and Bosco attended a few Moonlight Resonance promotions, but there was never any picture, so I was too lazy to post about them haha.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

TVB8 Program will air 7/27

The TVB8 game show episode with both Shirley & Bosco will air on 7/27/08!
*credits to

Clip about the show with two brief clips of Shirley & Bosco interviewing each other:
*Credits to Sina

Not a very fun clip of them, but it was cute watching them interviewing each other. I wish they would star in another serie as a couple again!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Au Revoir Shanghai to air on Pay Vision ; other past news

Old Promotional Event Picture from

I just saw this news on by member mui mui. Au Revoir Shanghai will air on August 12, 2008 as mentioned on TVB 剧集台 website.

Very happy to know since there may be a possibility of another promotional event with Bosco & Shirley! Bosco & Michael Mui are also quite good friends, so if there any promotional events, they will bring a fun atmosphere! I am a little curious whether Anne Heung would attend if there is a promotional event since she has left the entertainment circle already. I hope she would, but it would be hard to take a day off at her workplace. Imagine the boss's reaction when she says "Boss, can I take a day or two off to promote a Hong Kong TV show I was a main lead in?"

I remember Au Revoir Shanghai is an ok serie, and I thought it was very interesting towards the beginning, but I didn't like it as much as the serie progressed. Nonetheless, the Bosco & Shirley scenes were cute, but I didn't quite like their relationship in this serie because Shirley's character spent a majority of the time with Power Chan's character.

Hope to see the cast promote the serie in August!

In past news, it seems that a bunch of TVB artistes went to Virginia Lok's bday party on July 1st, and Bosco and Shirley both attended. No pics of them together though.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Bosco & Shirley TVB8 Program 6/8/08

*Pictures from and

Finally, Bosco & Shirley meet again filming for a TVB8 Program called 娛樂金剛圈, and they took some pics together outside of the program! The pictures and articles do not show them playing any games together so that's too bad, but heck, pictures are better than nothing! :)

Bosco sure looks skinnier! His hairstyle reminds me of his character in The Price of Greed though! Shirley looks cute as usual!

hmm....I've noticed that in many pictures, Bosco & Shirley doesn't seem that close as compared to say Bosco & Tavia or Bosco & Myolie. Bosco & Shirley seem very distant. Through so many cooperations and appearances together, I would've thought they were be somewhat friends, but in many pictures, it doesn't seem to show?

Well I hope they would pair up again in another serie, but a serie that is worth it. I would rather wait for a great script and a good couple storyline for them to portray. When they pair up again, I hope it would be an awesome serie that showcase their chemistry and put them up there as TVB top couples. Well, they have to shorten that distance between each other to do so, but I do hope they can one day!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Olympics Related Functions

There are some group functions that Bosco & Shirley both attended, but so far, I can't find any pictures of them.

One was on 4/29, and a bunch of TVB artists as well as HK singers sang the TVB Olympic song to celebrate the coming of the Olympic torch. Then on 5/2, there is also another function that both will attend to welcome the Olympic torch as part of a big group from TVB. No pictures from both as of now, but I suspect these events will focus a lot more on the HK singers and movie stars moreso than TVB peeps.

4/29/08- Group of HK Singers and TVB Artistes sang the TVB Olympic song

5/2/09 - Group function to welcome the Olympic Torch...most probably a HOG performance since a bunch of the cast from this are invited.

Hope there would be pictures soon!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

家好 "HOG2" catwalk show

Known as Heart of Greed 2, there was a catwalk function with Tavia, Linda Chung, Shirley Yeung, Kate Tsui, etc on 3/28/08. All the gals wore traditional red chi paos. So what does it have to do with Bosco and Shirley? Well it turns out that Bosco was at the event also. I don't think Shirley and Bosco had any pics together, but hey, at least they both showed up at the events. Ok, yes I am a little crazy about them, but this blog site won't have any updates at all if I do not pay attention lah lol. If there are any pics of them together, then of course I will repost.

*Original pic are all found from Shirley and Tavia's TVB Blog:
Shirley Yeung TVB Blog
Tavia Yeung TVB Blog
All pictures owned by TVB and respective artists. Please visit their blog sites for more pictures of them for this event.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Snow Storm Charity in Hunan

On 2/21/08, Bosco and Shirley appeared on a Charity show in Hunan for the Snowstorm in China.

*Pic found from:
(Thanks Szeki)

*Pic found from:
(Thanks Szeki)

*Above 3 pictures found from:

//Video Clips:
Clip of Shirley & Bosco and Carlo Ng & Astrid talking, wishes for the New Year, and playing games. Shirley and Bosco were on the same team, and it was cute watching them play with those doughs, they looked like little kids lol. Since Bosco's Mandarin isn't really good, it seems like he's looking to Shirley for help at times to explain haha. And Bosco was sweet enough to eat something at the end so that Shirley didn't have to eat it hehe.
This one of the group singing a song. Bosco and Shirley is one person away from each other, but Shirley did sing right before Bosco. It was actually a pretty good song.

Both links were given to me by Szeki. Thank you very much! :)

//Another tidbit on the side:
I was watching those Chinese New Year shows in which astrologers talk about the year for different signs. The Chinese astrology fortune for horse (which is Shirley's sign) says it might not be a good year, but one astrologer says things might be a little bit better if they are around people born in the sign of the monkey (which is Bosco's sign). So Shirley, hang out more with Bosco haha! :)

Monday, February 4, 2008

Bosco & Shirley new serie & tidbits

*Picture from AppleDaily

Bosco and Shirley are in another serie (Heart of Greed 2), but I believe they will most likely not have any scenes. Shirley plays young Li See Kei's character in the past, while Bosco plays a doctor who chases after Linda Chung's character in present times. So it is very likely, they will not share any scenes together. It's sad for us fans, but perhaps they will have more functions together for this serie?

And another fun tidbit, reading from TVBMusing, one blog post talks about the plot, and it says that Bosco and Kevin's character are born on August 7th, which is in reality, Shirley Yeung's real birthday! Interesting eh? Bosco and Shirley do share some fate lol

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Price of Greed Interviews...

Since The Price of Greed gets to see daylight soon, why not make a post related to it? These are older Youtube clips of Shirley and Bosco talking about their roles and general stuff about The Price of Greed.

港劇花絮EPK - 千謊百計

娛樂直播 - 思琦初拉小提琴將勤補不足

In this clip, I thought it was cute because Bosco mentions that sometimes Shirley would forget how to make sign languages for some actions, but he'll remind her the correct sign language sometimes. There is also a part in which he held the lights while Shirley and other violinist are practicing in the dark. Here is the capture from the above clip.