Thursday, May 1, 2008

Olympics Related Functions

There are some group functions that Bosco & Shirley both attended, but so far, I can't find any pictures of them.

One was on 4/29, and a bunch of TVB artists as well as HK singers sang the TVB Olympic song to celebrate the coming of the Olympic torch. Then on 5/2, there is also another function that both will attend to welcome the Olympic torch as part of a big group from TVB. No pictures from both as of now, but I suspect these events will focus a lot more on the HK singers and movie stars moreso than TVB peeps.

4/29/08- Group of HK Singers and TVB Artistes sang the TVB Olympic song

5/2/09 - Group function to welcome the Olympic Torch...most probably a HOG performance since a bunch of the cast from this are invited.

Hope there would be pictures soon!